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For Spiritual Guidance :

The weekly plan is as follows:

At Atma Jagriti, we offer you Consultancy and various Healing Sessions.


For Spiritual Guidance

Academic Activites

For Healing

For Healing

For Spiritual Guidance :

The weekly plan is as follows:

At Atma Jagriti, we offer you Consultancy and various Healing Sessions.


For Healing

Academic Activites

From herself :

Counseling regarding Education, Occupation, Health etc.
Also the Master provides Child Counseling for various children problems and Health issues.

Note : Please take prior appointments for consultation and healing sessions.

The :

We gather at Atma Jagriti on 15th and 30th of every month for Meditation Sessions. In every session, we have Lectures and Discourses on Cosmic Guidance along with Meditation.

These sessions help each soul in their development and self-growth in all spheres of life.

Note : Lunch in the form of Prasad is made available to each soul present in our institution.

World belongs to humanity, not this leader, that leader or that king or prince or religious leader. World belongs to humanity.